Home Events National and International days of Pakistan

National and International days of Pakistan

National and International days of Pakistan: Pakistan appeared on the world map as an independent state on the 14th of August, 1947. The people of Pakistan are very hospitable and patriotic. Many important events and days have passed in the history of Pakistan. We celebrate these days as the National and International days of Pakistan.

National Days of Pakistan

1. Independence Day of Pakistan: 
It is celebrated every year on 14 August. People of Pakistan decorate the streets and roads with green flags and colorful buntings and lighting.
2. Pakistan Day or Resolution Day:

It is celebrated on 23 March. The famous Lahore resolution which is also known as the Pakistan resolution, was passed on this day at Minto Park Lahore. Today it is famous as The Greater Iqbal Park.

3. Defense Day: 

This day is celebrated on 6 September. It reminds us of the sacrifices of our armed forces.

4. Iqbal day:

It is celebrated on 9 November. Our national poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born on this day.

5. Kashmir day:

This day is celebrated every year on 5 February as a solidarity day to show unity to Indian administrated Jammu Kashmir. 

6. Quaid-e-Azam Day:

We celebrate this day on 25 December on the birthday of our great leader and founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

International Days of Pakistan

1. Labor Day:

Labor day is celebrated internationally on 1 May. This day is for the Labour community to support them.

2. Christmas Day:

Christmas is the festival of Christians, the birthday of Jesus. Christians celebrate this festival all around the world on 25 December.

3. Mother’s Day:

Mother’s Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May. It is also celebrated on different days in different parts of the world. Some people celebrate this day in the month of March.

4. Father’s Day:
We celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June.
5. Brother’s Day:

People usually celebrate Brother’s Day on 24th of May.

6. Sister’s Day: 

Sister’s day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August.

7. International Women’s Day:

United Nations declared 8 March as International Women’s Day.

8. International Men’s Day:

International Men’s day is observed around the world on 19 November.

9. World Health Day:

World Health Organization declared this health awareness day on 7 April every year.

10. World Cancer Day:

World Health Organization declared 4 February as World Cancer Day. This day is special for the awareness of cancer.


Pakistani people celebrate each national and international day with energy and enthusiasm. Seminars and events are also arranged by the schools and universities to celebrate these days.

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