Home Tourism Flora and fauna of Dudipatsar National Park

Flora and fauna of Dudipatsar National Park

Flora and fauna of Dudipatsar National

Flora and fauna of Dudipatsar National Park: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Dudipatsar National Park is protected. One thousand five hundred hectares cover Kohistan’s northern district. The park has several western Himalayan plants and animals.

Flora and fauna of Dudipatsar National Park

Flora of Dudipatsar National Park

The park has pine, cedar, juniper, and spruce trees. The park’s alpine meadows include forget-me-nots, blue poppies, and primroses. The park is notable for local populations using medicinal plants for traditional medicine.

Fauna of Dudipatsar National Park

Dudipatsar National Park has several endangered animals. The western Himalayan ibex lives in the park. The park has snow leopards, Himalayan black bears, and musk deer. Birdwatchers will love the park’s approximately 70 bird species. The park has Himalayan snowcocks, monals, and tragopans.

Conservation efforts

The unique flora and animal life of Dudipatsar National Park were protected in 1975. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife Department maintains the park.

Local communities help preserve the park. Community-based conservation activities safeguard animals and plants. Local efforts have reduced illegal hunting and grazing and raised environmental awareness.


The Dudipatsar National Park is an exceptional natural wonder that houses a wide variety of plant and animal species. Several species of wildlife, including the endangered Himalayan ibex and snow leopard, call the park’s alpine meadows, wildflowers, and trees their home. The conservation efforts of the park have been successful in safeguarding the distinct natural heritage of the area, thereby preserving it as a valuable asset for future generations.

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