Home Islam 9 Muharram Instagram Captions 2024

9 Muharram Instagram Captions 2024

9 Muharram Captions: The ninth day of Muharram is referred to as Tasu’a in the Islamic calendar. Prior to Imam Hussain and his genuine allies were martyred at the Battle of Karbala. The day of Tasu’a is used to remember the terrible event. The Yazid army surrounded Imam Hossein’s companions’ camps on the ninth day of Muharram or Tasu’a. The occasion of Muharram is really serious. In sacred places, people spend the majority of the day praying.

Muharram is the first month according to the Islamic calendar. It is regarded as the second holiest month after Ramadan. As this is a time of grief and fasting, many people choose to fast for a number of days surrounding Muharram, there is no ceremony or show these days.

9 Muharram Instagram Captions 2022


  • Provide us with the opportunity to follow the path that the emissary of Allah has indicated, to follow his teachings with the utmost assurance, and to achieve Jannat in accordance with that. Ya Hussain Ya Hussain!
  • Allow us the chance to seek the light that has been brought along with Him and to have faith in the oneness of Allah. Have A Blessed  Muharram!
  • I sobbed uncontrollably, but no one noticed. After I sobbed in sujood, Allah provided me a sabr. Wishing a Divine 9th Muharram to you!
  • I wish that you honor Aze-E-Hussain and take part in protestations, and mournful gatherings to remember the martyrdom of Iman Hussain ibn Ali, during the War of Karabal! A Holy Muharram to you!
  • Dhul-Qa’dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab Mudar, the month that occurs between Jumadah and Sha’ban, are four of the twelve months of the year that are regarded as holy. Let’s mourn this sacred month of Muharram together.
  • “To me, dying is nothing but bliss, and life under dictators is nothing but surviving in a hell,” stated Imam Hussain. We must take note of what he stated and continuously prepare for jihad in the name of Islam. Experience a blessed Muharram!

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