Home Shopping Train Fare Economy & Business Class in Pakistan August. 2025

Train Fare Economy & Business Class in Pakistan August. 2025

Train Fare Economy and Business Class

Train Fare Economy and Business Class in Pakistan: Pakistan is a country with a vast plexus of railway lines. The trains travel from different cities in Pakistan. There are many trains traveling with passengers and taking them to their destinations. Somehow in the past few years, the railway system is not so good. But now the Pakistan railways have made a lot of bitterness and modifications in their services.

The working and service of the workers of the Pakistan railway become very manageable. Their services in this department are very honored. Pakistan railways have their own budget and the train passenger fares are also according to it. So here we are going to tell you about the train fares of both the economy and business class in Pakistan in 2025.

Train Fare Economy and Business Class in Pakistan updated August. 2025

The train fares are somehow very different for the different services and requirements. No doubt there are two partitions for the traveling passengers such as economy class and business class. There are more reserved seats for the economy class as compared to the business class. The business class reservations ahs some extra facilities and the fares are also according to the amenities provided to them. So here is the description of the fares in different routes and stations.

Pakistan Railways 2025

In the year 2025, there is a total of about 10 trains are working. These trains pass through different cities at also through different stations in the cities. some of the trains working in Pakistan railways are as follows.

1. Bahauddin Zakria express
2. Khyber Mail, Allama Iqbla and Awam express
3. Tezgam express
4. Shalinmae express
5. Karachi express
6. Jaffer Express, Samjhota Express, and Thar Express
7. Green Line express

These are some of the trains traveling from some cities at many different stations.

Train Fares Of Economy class and Business Class 2025

The fares are somehow different from one station to another. Or the fare depends on the distance travel. Thus the fare is according to the stations and the distance travel. But the overview of some of the fares of the economy and business class is as follows.

Train Fare Economy Class

The train fare of economy class from one station to another may vary between 300-2000. This is not the exact fare as it may vary from station to station and according to the distance.

Train Fare Business class 2025

The train of business class also varies from route to route, and from station to station. The amount may vary from 1000 to 3000. This is also not an exact or fixed rate.
For an exact rate list of the fares on the Pakistan railway, you can contact their respective station.

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