Best Time to Visit Lulusar Lake in Pakistan with Family

Best Time to Visit Lulusar Lake in Pakistan with Family

Best Time to Visit Lulusar Lake: We are blessed with mesmerizing and beautiful views in Pakistan. Several amazing Lakes is also part of it. They also play an imperative role in adding more to the beauty of Pakistan. Lulusar Lake is also one of the most favorite tourist spots all over Pakistan. Lake is located on Naran-Babusar Road, 50 km from Naran in the Kaghan Valley in the KPK province of Pakistan.

Lulusar or Lalusar is a group of mountain peaks and a lake in the Kaghan Valley in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. The highest peak of Lulusar has a height of 11,200 feet above sea level. The Lulusar lake remains covered in snow most of the time of year because of the extreme height. However, the lake is located in a special zone where water can flow in some months of the year. The watercolor of Lulusar Lake makes it eye-catching and mesmerizing, the scenery, view, and everything about it is so great.

Best Time to Visit Lulusar Lake in Pakistan

What is the best time to visit Lulusar Lake?

The Right and best time to avail Lulusar Lake fun is the beginning of summer (from end of May to the end of June) as by the time summer passes, the lake would lose much of the snow. After June only the greenery will be seen at the lake.

How the Lulusar Lake was formed?

Lulusar Lake was formed the same as the Attabad Lake formed, Attabad was discovered after the blocking of the Hunza River after a massive landslide. Lulusar Lake was found after the blocking of the Kunhar River. The road to Lulusar Lake closed from November till May. Lulusar Lake is surrounded by blue and yellowish flowers, which makes its view enchanting and get stuck in a tourist’s head for a long time.

What to do at Lake?

Lulusar Lake is the ultimate destination for many tourist during summer. The park beside the lake, named Lulusar-Dudipatsar National Park too has a lot of visitors. When you plan to visit Naran/Kaghan, then Lulusar lake is a must-visit place. You’ll also find roadside stalls selling pakoras, tea, and coffee and can enjoy the amazing scenery. Several glacial tributaries run through the lake offer a refreshing view. This crystal-clear lake is an amazing treat for nature lovers, however, the lake freezes during winter because of the snowfall from the month of November to May/June.

More about Lake

Visit the lake can be planned if you are on the way to Gilgit, as the road is located right on Naran-Babusar-Gilgit Road. Tourists should carry all the emergency supplies such as first aid kits and other medication such as nausea tablets and pain killers. As many people get sick on the mountain roads. Moreover, make sure your vehicle is reliable and technically sound because it is seen that cars and jeeps in that area fall apart.

We hope you find this article helpful when you plan to visit Lulusar lake, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.