Home Tourism Geography and geology of Dudipatsar Lake

Geography and geology of Dudipatsar Lake

Geography and geology of Dudipatsar Lake

Geography and geology of Dudipatsar Lake: Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province’s Dudipatsar Lake is gorgeous. One of the country’s biggest lakes, it’s 3,800 meters above sea level. The lake is dubbed “the Queen of the Lakes” due to its beauty and surroundings.

Geography and geology of Dudipatsar Lake

Geography of Dudipatsar Lake

Glacial Dudipatsar Lake is fed by melting Himalayan glaciers. The western Himalayas stretch from Afghanistan to Myanmar. The lake is only accessible via a five-hour journey across high terrain. The hike is challenging, but the views of the hills and mountains are worth it.
The 20-acre lake is 50 meters deep. Photographers love the lake’s pristine, mountain-like water. The lake has trout and other species.

Geology of Dudipatsar Lake

Glaciers carved Dudipatsar Lake during the last ice age. The glaciers carved a bowl-shaped depression in the rocks, which filled with water to form the lake. Glacial flour from glaciers grinding against rocks makes the lake blue-green.
The neighboring mountains contain rare and semi-precious minerals. Plate movement millions of years ago developed the sedimentary and metamorphic mountains surrounding the lake.


The stunning Dudipatsar Lake is rich in geological history. The lake’s beautiful waters and steep slopes attract nature enthusiasts and adventurers. The climb to the lake is tough, but the views of the hills and mountains are worth it. Geology and geography make it a must-see for natural history lovers.

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