Health Impacts of COVID-19 in Pakistan

Health Impacts of COVID-19 in Pakistan

Here you can get information about the Health Impacts of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic is a viral disease. It directly transmitted through the droplets of the saliva of an infected person, when they come in contact with a healthy person.

This pandemic disease started from and in no time spread world-widely. Pakistan has also been affected by this epidemic. Pakistan confirmed its first two cases in February. Within less then six months the number of cases has reached its peak level.

Now, there 236,017 confirmed cases in Pakistan. Among all of them, 149,092 patients are successfully recovered with the admirable efforts of our talented doctors. But still, it is not a great achievement as the death rate is also increasing day by day. The cause of this disease is still unknown. However, some treatment methods have become successful in curing this disease.

Health Impacts of COVID-19 

As all we know, the COVID-19 pandemic spread all over the world.

To overcome this disease some of the precautionary measures necessary to follow areas;

  • Wash your hands
  • Use sanitizer
  • Wear a mask for social interaction
  • Social distancing

In this critical condition, the Govt of Pakistan like other countries decided to do strict lockdown. Somehow, it was a good decision as social distancing is a major factor that will help us to come out of this situation. But, on the other hand, this social distancing is also affecting people’s mental health.

Due to this lockdown, people bounded to their homes. All markets, industries, other working areas, and visiting places are closed. Furthermore, people became jobless due to all these epidemic crises. This situation is leading them toward mental illness.

The people are becoming victims of depression, anxiety, and stress. The stress of not having food for their family. Other than that, if any one of the family member tests positive then all other members come under stress. So, with the economy or other circumstances, it also has a bad impact on mental health.

Moreover, in this difficult time, some of us don’t have emotional, mental, or financial resources to get out of this situation and to compensate their needs or the one who dissatisfied with his family. And he feels lonely all the time he may slide into unhealthy habits.

Majorly, our youth is becoming the victim of mental illness. Because all the schools, colleges and universities are closed. And the parents are not allowing them to play or go outside. They bounded to their homes. With time, they are becoming more and more irritated.

Health Effects of Covid-19

Besides, some healthy people having a good economic state may also come under anxiety. As they have no source of entertainment for them. They can not arrange any type of event in their homes.

Some of the health impacts of COVID-19 in Pakistan are:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

These are three major factors that lead to further health imbalance such as;

  • Poor Cardio Vascular System
  • Impaired Immunity
  • Impaired functions
  • Poor Sleep Habits
  • Adverse Health Consequences
  • Increased Risk of Premature Death

However, In this critical condition, we just have to stay calm. These dark days will be gone. And we’ll be back to our daily life routine. So, We just have to cope-up with our Govt. And if you find anyone in stress just try to help him to overcome the situation. And also protect yourself and your family by following all safety measures accurately.